Laptop Checkout for Faculty at the IT Helpdesk

Laptop Checkout for Faculty at the IT Helpdesk

How it works

  • What is available for check out: Portable projectors, conference phones, sound systems, Windows 7 laptops, and Mac laptops. Chromebooks are available in the ATC.
  • What do the laptops come with: A power cord, network cable, USB wired mouse and a VGA cable (can be used to hook up to projectors, other monitors, ect).
  • Cost: There is no cost to check out items.
  • Who has this service available to them: Full or part time staff or faculty (sorry, but student workers don't count).
  • How long can they be checked out: Roughly 2 weeks. We can work with individuals on a case by case basis.
  • Pick up: The staff/faculty IT Helpdesk is located on the 1st floor of Building 2. There's a big huge window.

Note- The laptops are in a "frozen" state, meaning anything saved (or installed) to the laptops will be erased when rebooted. There is a warning on the desktop stating to save to a network location or flash drive before shutting down.

Questions? Contact any technician on the desk x4444 or

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Article ID: 6332
Wed 5/25/22 4:07 PM
Wed 5/25/22 4:07 PM