Laptop Checkout for Faculty at the IT Helpdesk


Information on where and how part time staff and faculty can check out laptops and other equipment.


Laptop Checkout for Faculty at the IT Helpdesk

How it works

  • What is available for check out: Portable projectors, conference phones, sound systems, Windows 7 laptops, and Mac laptops. Chromebooks are available in the ATC.
  • What do the laptops come with: A power cord, network cable, USB wired mouse and a VGA cable (can be used to hook up to projectors, other monitors, ect).
  • Cost: There is no cost to check out items.
  • Who has this service available to them: Full or part time staff or faculty (sorry, but student workers don't count).
  • How long can they be checked out: Roughly 2 weeks. We can work with individuals on a case by case basis.
  • Pick up: The staff/faculty IT Helpdesk is located on the 1st floor of Building 2. There's a big huge window.

Note- The laptops are in a "frozen" state, meaning anything saved (or installed) to the laptops will be erased when rebooted. There is a warning on the desktop stating to save to a network location or flash drive before shutting down.

Questions? Contact any technician on the desk x4444 or



Article ID: 6332
Wed 5/25/22 7:07 PM
Wed 5/25/22 7:07 PM