Local install of Eaglesoft (for student use laptops)

NOTE:  The computer name (local) can NOT be more than 14 characters otherwise ES will give a warning when trying to run it.

NOTE: The user MUST be a local admin in order to use Eaglesoft

Go into the ES 19.1 folder on Apps
Open the license # Word doc (you can copy/paste, but only one section at a time)
Right click on the EaglesoftSetup_19.1.8.0 file & run as administrator
Click on Install EagleSoft
Click on C++ install (If asked)
Select Workstation & Server
DO NOT CHECK Fast Check-in
DO NOT fill in anything for auto update, just click Next & then Click Yes


Click on Configuration Tab
Uncheck Auto Updates, then Save
Click the X in the upper right corner of this window

EagleSoft should now be done installing

Click on Start>EagleSoft & click on Technical Reference
Click on 1st Square (Database Setup)
In the “Connection Protocols” field Put:  HOST=the computername
In the “WCF Host” field (both server & client) put:  the computername
Click Ok
FYI (04/250 computer lab requires a different IP address, see Lewis)

Close out of Technical Reference
Make sure Eaglesoft isn’t running (close the blue paperclip in the notification area)
From the Eaglesoft 19.1 folder install “Eaglesoft 19.1 Update 1”

You Are done

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Article ID: 9655
Tue 8/23/22 9:04 AM
Thu 9/1/22 8:57 AM