Google Workspace: Conflicting Account

Google Workspace: Conflicting Account

Conflicting accounts

What is a conflicting account?

A conflicting account is a personal Google account that uses your email address as the primary email associated with the account. These prevent you from using Lane's Google Workspace account until you resolve the conflict. Here is an informative video on conflicting accounts - Conflicting Google Accounts.

Do I have a conflicting account?

You have a conflicting account if you have a Google account that uses your email address as the primary email associated with the account. You can check if your email is the primary email associated with your Google account by following these steps:

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Click the Sign in button in the top right corner of the screen.
    1. If you log in with a username that does not include you do not have a conflicting account
    2. If you log in with a username that does include you may have a conflicting account. Proceed with the steps below
  3. After logging into Google with your user name that includes, click the Google Apps button at the top right of the screen (see image below).
    Google Apps
  4. Click the My Account button (see image above).
  5. Click the Your personal info link
  6. Click the > symbol at the right side in the Email section of the personal information page (see image below).
    1. If your Primary email does not include, you do not have a conflicting account and you do not need to take any action.
    2. If your Primary email does include, you have a conflicting account and you should follow the steps below to properly migrate your account.

What should I do if I have a conflicting account?

If this applies to you, you have a decision to make. You can either keep the account, or delete it.

Keeping the account will require that you migrate it to a personal Gmail account in order for it to continue functioning after the Google Workspace account is created. Information about migrating your account can be found at . If you need assistance migrating your account, please contact the HelpDesk ( or call 541-463-4444).

If you choose to delete the account, please follow the directions at

Data Migrating

How do I migrate my data?

You can migrate your data using Google's Account Merge and Data options that is only available for conflicting accounts.

 Currently, you can only use the data moving tool for these products:

  • AdWords
  • AdSense
  • Analytics
  • Places
  • Groups
  • YouTube
  • Picasa
  • Voice
  • Webmaster Tools
  • DoubleClick for Publishers

For other products or if you don't have a conflicting account you can use other methods to migrate data:

If you're migrating to a regular Google account, transferring your Google Docs is easy. Just select all the documents you want to migrate, go to the More Actions drop down menu, and choose Change Owner. Type in Account 2's address in the box that comes up. You'll see all your documents in Account 2.

Unfortunately, Google Docs does not allow you to change the owner to someone of a different domain, meaning migrating your documents to a Google Workspace account takes a bit longer. Luckily, it's still pretty easy. Select all the documents you want to transfer, go to the More Actions drop down, and click on Export. This will compress all the documents into a zip file and download it to your hard drive. Afterward, you can go to Account 2 and hit the Upload button in the top left corner, and choose all the documents you just downloaded. It'll take a bit longer, but you still won't lose any functionality or data, which is nice.

Note that any documents for which you are a collaborator but not the owner will not transfer correctly with either of these methods; you'll need to contact the owner of those documents and tell them to re-share them with your new account.

Read more -

For further help create a ticket, or contact:
Employee HelpDesk
(541) 463-4444

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