Adding a campus address to your ExpressLane Personal Information:
- Log into ExpressLane
- Select [Update Addresses and Phones] under Personal Information tab to open the Update screen
- If you already have a Campus address listed, skip to Step 5 below to verify and update your information.
- If you do NOT already have a Campus address listed, find [Type of Address to Insert], select Campus from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button to open the Update/Insert address screen.
- Carefully follow the instructions at the top of the screen to update or fill out the fields
- Fill out your campus, building and office location using the form [Building short code][Room number], with no space in between. For location/building codes, see the LCC Building & Room Naming Conventions. Your office is keyed off of the "Address Line 2" field.
- Enter your office phone number under Primary Phone Number for This Address, NOT under Phone Type, that area is for additional phone numbers, such as cell phones.
- Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Submit.
- For further help, leave a ticket, or contact:
IT HelpDesk
(541) 463-4444